Amla for Crushing Workout Recovery

The amla fruit, or Indian Gooseberry, is another awesome adaptogen that can certainly help with your recovery following a workout and can help you live forever.

Well, maybe not forever, but it is touted as helping to prolong life and can cure nearly any disease. Again, there have not been studies on amla and every disease or it’s life extension properties to my knowledge, but this adaptogen will have a significant effect on ramping up your overall health and ability to handle the stressors of a grueling workout.

Phytonutrient Density

If adaptogens had degrees this one would have a B.A. in phytonutrients. Once reported as having the highest vitamin C content in the world, not to mention the antioxidant profile is just staggering. This something that is overlooked in the strength training community in favor of the big three macronutrients. However, most strength athletes would serve better to forget about their calories a little bit and really focus on the density of the little nutrients packed inside their foods. This is where protecting the body from crazy stressors of intense workouts and being able to recover really comes into play. If one learns to balance the two, then lookout, because world records are about to be shattered.

The awesome anti-inflammatory properties associated with this adaptogen amla are certain to be around the life extension work mentioned. Keeping this at bay helps the body to perform at a higher level and truly excel. Combine this with some appetite boosting effects and you will be ready to bump up a weight class or two if you really play your cards right.

Since we are all interested in the strength boosting properties of amla it is important to note the connective tissue repair properties. This adaptogen can really help keep those joints, ligaments and tendons functioning optimally. That cannot be understated. Muscles are easy to beat up and recover, but areas like connective tissue have very little blood supply to them and are a lot harder to keep healthy. This is what connects the muscles and if they are not in tip, top shape, then you will not be transferring the force you want into your chosen activity.

Adaptogen Rundown: Amla

  • Packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients
  • Appetite boosting effects
  • Helps treat inflammation
  • Prolongs life
  • Immune boosting properties
  • Restores connective tissue and blood vessels
  • Translated as “the sustainer”- just keep pushing!