The Best Benefits of Blueberries

We are just starting to come into blueberry season (at least where I live while I’m writing this) and this is truly one of my favorite times of the year.

This is probably because I remember picking this superfood before the word even existed while up at my grandparents’ house. My grandfather actually had 40-50 blueberry bushes growing in his backyard and we would go and pick them for hours. I loved it because I was outside and got to hang out with him, but now I realize that this is one of those healthy foods that people die for because of how awesome they are.


Since the benefits of any superfood or healthy food are just about endless, I’d like to share a few of my favorites in regard to blueberries. Surely, a few of these will hit home for you, but even if they don’t it is hard to argue for a healthier food than blueberries. Here we go in no particular order:

  • High in Antioxidants
    • When I was younger this was one of those things that I always heard a lot of and knew that they were good for me, but didn’t completely understand. Now that I understand, in its simplest form, that an antioxidant is preventing cell damage and that still seems like an awesome thing to me.
    • The particular antioxidants that is found in blueberries are flavonoids. These are pretty awesome because they are:
      • Anti-viral
      • Anti-cancer
      • Anti-inflammatory
      • Anti-allergic
    • Because of all of this reduced DNA damage it produces an anti-aging effect that excites me to no end! Not that I want to live forever, but knowing that healthy food can help me live a longer and healthier life is something I’ll eat to.
  • I have always been told they were good for me
    • Hearing this for things can get you into trouble if something isn’t very good for you, but I really believe this to be true and have found that blueberries are one of my superfoods.
    • Because I have had this great association with blueberries since I was young they may be even a healthier food for me since my body, mind and spirit all believe it to be true. Remember that the body mirrors the mind and beliefs will carry a lot of weight for the foods we eat, so be careful with them
  • Boost brain function and memory
    • Being quick witted is something that I never plan on losing and improving my memory and yours will never go out of style. Why not take every advantage I can from the healthy food that goes into our mouths and help boost these a bit more.
  • Blue in Color
    • You may be saying so what, but foods that are blue or purple in color have always strongly resonated with me. So guess what? I eat them and feel great when I do. This may not be the scientific answer you were looking for, but certainly carries a lot of weight in finding my personal superfoods.


You’ll have to excuse me now as it is time to go and check on my blueberry bushes.


Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski