Getting the Most Out of Your Recovery- Having it Done for You

That is right, not all recovery methods require you doing something.

We touched on this in The Beginner’s Guide to Recovery when talking about total recovery when you just let the body do its thing. There is one that we have not gone over and this is manual recovery. Here you can have somebody else work on your muscles, joints or energy fields to recover. This can also be learned and you can practice on yourself as well.

Types of Manual Recovery

There are just too many types of massage to cover in this type of post. Suffice it to say that massage can have tremendous benefits in helping to push out the toxins that build up in muscles as well as increase blood flow. This can tremendously help with both physical, but also mental performance. Muscle and scar tissue adhesions are also able to be broken up and allow greater relaxation to decrease stress.

Joint Adjustments:
These can be provided by chiropractors, doctors of osteopathy as well as physical therapists. Each practitioner can have many different types up their sleeve and all can be very beneficial in helping bring the body back into proper alignment. By doing so the muscle length can be restored and allowed begin to heal. Pumping of the joints can be done as well to help increase blood flow and remove toxins. This will also help with performance when a muscle is functioning properly.

Energy Therapy:
Another one with many different forms. This is a great way to let a skilled practitioner open up any blockages in your energy flow or to help bring energy to an area that needs more recovery. My preferred method is Reiki, but others include pranic healing, crystal healing and attunement. Try a few out and see what you like best.

Here is one that I find to be underrated, but is more from a lack of understanding. My understanding of acupuncture is through the use of needles on certain points and meridians to allow the flow of qi throughout the body. I like to refer to qi as life force and if it is low, then recovery, both mental and physical, will be significantly decreased.

Self Manual Recovery

Go grab yourself a foam roller and lacrosse ball and let’s get to work. Both can be used for self soft tissue mobilizations that are similar to massage. The foam roller is also great to do mobilizations of the spine with to really keep your posture perfect. Check out a few of my videos to see how you can do this at home. There are just a few things to keep in mind before beginning:

  • Always work towards the heart
  • If something goes numb, stop
  • If it is really painful, stop
  • Stay off boney prominences
  • Relax
  • Focus on an area for at least two minutes
  • Keep breathing deeply
  • Once over a tender point
    • Hold and relax for 10-30 seconds
    • Keep the pressure, but move the extremity
    • Run perpendicular to the muscle fibers

Feel free to give any of the above a try. They all have unique benefits and when you find one that works for you it will open up a whole new light. Your body will immediately feel better, but you will also have a newly discovered physical and mental performance.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski