How to Never Be Stressed Again

Now as many of you know I am a big fan of dogs and the good stress they provide.

We have two now and I grew up always having one or two. They are really just a huge part of my life and it wasn’t until recently that I figured out how much I was able to learn from them about never being stressed again. This was while listening to an audiobook or podcast and heard the quote “ask a dog the meaning of life and you will find the answer.” That is it. That is all you need to know to never be stressed again!

Certainly this post could have just ended and you could go contemplate on that, but I’ll give you my quick understanding of the statement. To start off I went up and asked my dogs the meaning of life. One lifted his head and the other just opened her eyes. It made me smile because just relaxing at the time was all that mattered to them. They are not stressed.

Later that same day I asked them on the way to the park, what is the meaning of life. All they did was carry on barking and jumping around the car on the two minute ride. This is the exact same thing they do every time we go. It appeared to me that at that time excitement was the meaning of life.

To me what this comes down to is one simple thing. To never be stressed again just enjoy what you are doing. Right now. Enjoy reading this post because it is something that has meaning for you. Even as I am writing this I am smiling because this is my meaning at this time. Just remember, next time you are stressed to “ask a dog the meaning of life and you will find the answer.”

To learn more about the topic of stress and get yourself back on track with your own health and wellness journey be sure to contact me for your free evaluation or sign up to get your free stress e-book.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski