Top 6 Ways to Boost Your BDNF

As we discussed a few weeks ago HERE,

You can certainly boost BDNF by getting the proper amount of sunshine (go back to last week to find out how much) and who wouldn’t want to. Boosting your BDNF can lead to improved memory, developing new connections, easier learning, decreasing your risk of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) and of course growing new brain cells! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will.

What You Can Do About It

Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a simple little protein that is getting a lot of hot press recently and for good reason. You can see that it does a lot, but what can you do to boost it outside of getting more sunshine. Young or old, it is time to listen up as everybody can benefit.

  • Movement: Studies have shown this type and that of exercise to help with BDNF production. Most people know that a movement practice is good for them, but still neglect it. Find something that is fairly intense for you to complete 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. On other days make sure that you are going for at least a 20 minute walk and your brain will be thanking you for the increased BDNF and oxygen
  • Intermittent Fasting: The amount of research on intermittent fasting (IF) has been growing at an alarming rate and for good reason. To employ this and other significant hormonal benefits try for at least 12 hours, but work up to 16 plus hours for some serious results. Beware of your blood sugar handling issues before embarking
  • Cut the Sugar: This is just simply not good for brain health. Do not bathe the brain with a higher blood sugar and cause more problems by taking the stuff straight into your body.
  • Get Social: This study showed that it was a good thing to start young and continue to develop relationships with age, but we have explored even later in life changes can be made. Be sure to cultivate those close relationships you have. Do not worry about having 652 friends, but instead a tight knit group that you love.
  • Eat Certain Foods (and Supplements): Most of the studies look at more of a breakdown of small, isolated parts that make up a whole food. This is a topic for another day, but eat the real foods listed first to see some awesome brain benefits and BDNF increases
  • Sleep Your Seven: What doesn’t sleep do? I still think that most people would be served well to get a little bit more than 7 hours a night, this could certainly be a good minimum to help preserve the brain. Do a little more, to really heal and boost it.

With all of these, be consistent over time. Your BDNF will not jump overnight, but with the proper cultivation you will be remembering more and learning more easily before you know it. Add in the protection from neurodegenerative diseases and you’ve got a winning combo!

If you are wondering how the health of your brain is, I have the answer. Check out this FREE Brain Health Quiz to find out where you are at and you will also be eligible for my new free book “The 4 Morning Secrets to Perfect Brain Health” shipped to your door.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski