How to Achieve Freedom

The number one thing you must do to achieve freedom is be concrete as to what freedom means to you and being clear on what your Passion is.

It may be making $300,000 per year, only working 20 hours per week, spending three hours a day with your family or working out seven times a week. These can all be part of your freedom since it is really up to you.

Now that you are clear on what freedom means to you it is time to get the ball rolling so that you can achieve those things. This is where the hard work comes in, but remember that it won’t seem hard if it is what you really want.

freedomIt is time to take one aspect of your freedom. I am going to use financial freedom in the example as it is often one that people struggle with. Start with calculating what it takes for you to achieve financial freedom. This includes food, rent or mortgage, clothing, investments and retirement, etc. You must again be clear on what it means to you. Once this number has been calculated take a look at what you are currently making and spending. Are all of your funds really going to where they should? Is each penny you make being spent on things that will help you discover freedom and truly live by your Passion? If not, you may not be very clear on what freedom means to you.

I encourage you to use this as a starting point for each part of your life in which you want to discover freedom. I have set a simple guideline above, but do not be afraid to go out and learn about financial freedom from books, lectures and courses. Don’t stop there though, continue here by reading what else I have for you to discover freedom in health and increase your energy. Each path will be different that we embark on, but do not wait as freedom does not just fall in your lap. You must go out in search of it and it will be yours.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski