How to Really Flatten Your Belly, Forever! (Part 2)

Now that you know what muscles of the inner unit will help to flatten your belly forever …

It would probably be helpful to learn some of the exercises to train the inner unit. Some of these may seem pretty simple and that is the point. We are trying to isolate specific muscles of the inner unit before we integrate them into larger movements. Without the stabilization of the inner unit though you will not be able to flatten your belly forever or stay pain free.

Exercises to Isolate Inner Unit

  • Proper Breathing Inhalation
  • Quadruped Vacuums
  • Quadruped Vertical
  • Quadruped Horizontal

(click here to watch the video instructions)

Exercises to Integrate Outer and Inner Unit

While the above exercises certainly do start to integrate the inner unit with the outer unit this can be taken a step further. I feel that progressing to “big bang” exercises, as coined by Paul Chek of the world famous C.H.E.K Institute, are a great place to start. “Big bang” exercises are those that integrate the outer and inner unit as well as multiple planes of motion (sagittal, frontal and transverse).

  • Supine Lateral Ball Roll
  • Swiss Ball Alternating Superman

(click here to watch the video instructions)

This is certainly not a completely list as “big bang” exercises since that is completely up to your imagination to what you can do, but are a few of my basic favorites that I use daily for rehabilitation.

If you missed the first part of this series make sure to go back to part 1. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for the third and final blog to learn some nutrition tips to flatten your belly forever.

To learn more about this topic and get yourself back on track with your own health and wellness journey be sure to contact me for your free evaluation.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski