How to Really Flatten Your Belly, Forever! (Part 3)

Now that we have covered the muscles of the inner unit as well as exercises to strengthen them…

It is time to address nutrition as it relates to flattening your belly forever.  Often times these muscles of the inner unit have not been working properly because of inflammation in the body caused by poor food choices. The inflammation in the organs causes the muscles of the inner unit to shut down and not allow you to flatten your belly.

This is something that I could go into a long blog post on, but I want to keep this simple for you. Here is the list of those foods that will cause inflammation in the gut and shut down the inner unit. Cutting them out will allow you to flatten your belly forever. Check out the list and eliminate them. For a further discussion of them and why I am going to direct you to the Barenaked Health Podcast Episode 006 to find out why in a short listen.

  • Sugar
  • Grains
  • Dairy
  • Soy
  • Nuts/Seeds/Legumes
  • Industrial Seed Oils
  • Alcohol
  • Commercially Raised and Processed Meats
  • Bonus: Your Hidden Trigger

Don’t wait until it is too late. Make sure to start integrating the exercise tips from part 1 and part 2 of this post as well as the nutrition tips listed above and in the podcast to get the most out of your inner unit.

If you missed the first two parts of this series make sure to go back to part 1 and part 2. You will learn the muscles of the inner unit and exercises to do for them to flatten your belly forever.

To learn more about this topic and get yourself back on track with your own health and wellness journey be sure to contact me for your free evaluation.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski