Improved Sleep Means Improved Health

When it comes to some of the things that I love about being healthy, sleep is certainly among my favorite things.

This goes back to when I was younger when I would go to sleep at 9pm and easily sleep until 6-6:30am or whenever it was that I got up for school. I remember friends of mine who would stay up earlier and I could never understand how they could function on such little sleep. Little did I know that I may only sleep until 7am on the weekends when they would be sleeping the morning away in desperation of catching some more shuteye to try and catch up.

Today my sleep varies a little, but is quite consistent. Since I have learned even more about health and wellness over the last few years I have actually needed less sleep. I feel that this is due to a number of factors, but a big part is that I am getting better quality food in the right ratios, I am working out hard and working in easy, as well as drinking high quality water and being aware of the chemicals that I am around. I typically go to bed around 9pm and am up between 5-5:30am. I’m sure I could get by on less sleep, but always having plenty of energy, not getting sick and being strong are a big motivation to make sure that I get the sleep that is right for me.

Proper Sleeping Benefits

There really are too many things to list here, but I will highlight a few that are of high importance to busy professionals and those looking to achieve great health:

-Energy: Are you working for the weekend? Sorry, but I still love the song and if you are just feeling burnt out by Friday, or worse yet Monday, then sleep should become a priority. There are times when I will feel a bit rundown, but for the most part I feel great and ready to go each day.  This energy comes from having found my Passion, but also doing things like sleep enough to make sure that I can get up and pursue it each day.

-Focus and Memory: If there is a reason that you would not want to improve focus and memory then I just cannot think of it. Having laser like focus and to be like an elephant and never forget are qualities that are fantastic to have. Sleeping allows the body to change synapses in the brain so the body can remember facts and figures (declarative memories) or reproduce skills (implicit memory).

-Immune Function: “Hydrate and rest.” This is what I hear people talking about all of the time when they become sick, but I ask “what about the rest of the time.” I feel that my body deserves to be well hydrated and rested all of the time in order to keep my immune system strong all of the time!

-Cancer and Disease Prevention: Just by making sure that you are getting the right quantity and quality you can decrease your chances of breast, prostate and colorectal cancers among others. Sleep is something that we are going to be doing anyway and this seems like a great reason if none of the above are appealing enough for you.

Now after all of this I hope you are ready to get some sleep. Next week we will cover the best times to go to sleep in order to get the most bang for your buck and be the healthiest you can be.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski