Sticking to Your Guns: Living by Your Core Values

Now that you have been able to find out what your Passion is and are starting to learn about what your specific core values are it is time to get serious on them.

This is the point of “sticking to your guns.” You have probably thought a lot longer and a lot harder than you realize about what your Passion and core values are. For this reason you do not want to waiver from them. They have made you into the person you are today and I’m sure have served you well.

Let us take a look at how to make sure they are implemented in each area of life.


Of course we must start with our own values. Follow them to the letter in shaping our own life. This will affect the people we attract around us and the situations we put ourselves in. This is a beautiful thing because we really have everything in our lives that we want up to this point. This can be tough to swallow for some, but by following our values and Passion this has led us to this. If we do not like where we are at then we must really reflect upon our values and see if we really are following our true Passion or if it is just something that excited us for a moment.

With Others

In both a one-on-one relationship or in a family we often have shared values. We can see our parents’ values in us (hopefully the good ones) and have made changes to the ones we did not see fit. This is what we want to pass on to our own families and friends so that they too can better themselves. Remember that if you are surrounding yourself with those that do not share the same values as yourself that it will be hard to do what it is that you believe in. The old saying “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” (I think this is from Jim Rohn). Then take a look who you are around and see if you like their values and you will know if you like your own.

In Business

This is something that can be very difficult for a lot of people. They are working in an industry or at a company that is just a job. It does not really get them out of bed in the morning. They do not feel they are making a great difference in the world. This is because the values of the company may not match up with that of the person. They of course will never be exact unless you are the owner, but it is important to keep them on the same page. Without this the motivation may going flying out the window to follow your true Passion.

Continue your search to find the values that resonate most with you. This way you can express it in your relationships and your vocation. In doing so you can help to spread those values that you most strongly believe to make the world a better place.