Top 6 Components of Making a Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

When it comes to eating healthy in the morning, it is probably safe to say that most people are a little short on time.

That is where the magic of the blender comes in. It is pretty easy to throw a bunch of healthy food together, blend it up and enjoy in 5-10 minutes. Sure it takes less time to make it, but you can spare 5 minutes to sit down and enjoy your food. This is a must to let your body absorb all of the nutrient dense food you are loading it up with by keeping it in a rest and digest state.


Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Components:

  1. Liquids
    1. Water- it is tough to go wrong with putting in 1-2 cups of good clean water. Certainly a great way to help hydrate your morning
    2. Milk- for those that can tolerate dairy, this is an awesome nutrient packed option. Gives a great taste and consistency as well as gets you some high quality fat soluble vitamins
    3. Nut Milks- see recent article for my thoughts on these, but make sure that if you do consume that they are homemade. I think that canned coconut milk can also be a decent option, but beware of the gums irritating your gut.
    4. On a side note, I’m not a fan of using ice. It is too harsh on my stomach, but for those of you that it works on your unique constitution you should by all means go for it.
  2. Veggies
    1. Greens- I like to get some type of greens in my morning smoothie. If I am going with lettuce this is usually raw and much darker greens (kale, chard, spinach, collards) will tend to be steamed first. During the winter months you can even use frozen ones to toss on in.
    2. Dense Veggies- This can be in the form of your water veggies like cucumber or celery to add a great flavor to the smoothie or with some cooked root veggies to add a little more sweetness and carbs if that is what your body needs.
  3. Fruits- Here you can play around. There are so many different fruits that add amazing flavor and nutrient density to a smoothie. Get away from the standard banana and explore with some mango or papaya in a tropical mood, go with berries or even a pear.
  4. Fat- Depending on what you use as a liquid you may not need to add much fat. For those that are looking for a bit more coconut and palm oils are great to toss on in and so can nut butters if you are good with those. Even drizzle in some olive oil to go with your greens.
  5. Protein
    1. In the smoothie
      1. Egg (yolks)- Yes, as long as you are getting from a clean source this is a great addition. I prefer only the yolks and add in a half of a shell for calcium.
      2. Collagen Powder– for those looking for the quick option, then you need this. Your joints, skin and organs will love you for this amazingly healthy food.
    2. Outside the smoothie- anything you feel like cooking up, but I recommend some leftover meat that you have or even some bone broth on the side
  6. Add Ons
    1. Powders- Here is where the wild wild west comes in as far as health foods go. You can get some great stuff and well, some not so great stuff. I’ll keep doing more on these on the site, but can certainly be a great addition for you.
    2. Sweeteners- if you still need a little something extra and your body handles carbs well a little local raw honey or some grade B maple syrup can sweeten it up nicely. For those that that want some sweetness, but are not great with carbs then some stevia leaves could be the way to go.


If you want, you can always put your choice of healthy foods in the blender the night before and keep it in the fridge. This can let you just take it out and blend it up right away when you are really strapped for a little extra morning time, but know you still need to load up on your nutrition.


Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski