Why Your Body Doesn’t Want to be Lean in the Summer

With beach season right around the corner it must be time to start bulking.

Wait. That can’t be right, but from an evolutionary standpoint it is how our bodies were meant to function. This does not mean that you cannot be lean in the summer time, or any other time of year.

However, to be lean in the summer time is a bit backwards since this is when we would have previously had access to the biggest amounts of food throughout the year. Much of this food in the early to mid part of summer would have been in the way of fruits, which don’t always help to keep you lean and would have been used to help pack on a few pounds to prepare for winter.

As the summer and into the fall would progress we would have access to roots, tubers and generally more starchy carbs that would help top off our fat reserves for winter. Before we knew it, it would be snowing and all that would be available would be wild game roaming around after they had fattened up all summer long as well.

365 Days of Summer

Maybe the picture that I painted above isn’t quite how we live today, but that does not mean that our bodies are not sensitive to the foods that we give them or the environment that we live in. Where I live there are four distinct seasons that my body must acclimate to.

However, I also live in a house that can control the temperature and light of my surroundings. This can be confusing and you can keep the body in a perpetual season. If you decide to keep it at a constant all year, then you must be aware of how you are fueling it. Living with the temperature of winter, the sun of summer and the food of all four seasons can be very stressful on the body.

Still Running Lean

Getting back to being lean in the summer versus not, I think that it is fine to run lean, but you must make sure that you still give your body what it needs. This is something that you will have to play around with and I encourage you to experiment with highs and lows of each of the three primary macronutrients: carbs, proteins and fats. You will find what works best for you so that you can be strong and lean all year long.

To learn more about this and other health and wellness topics be sure to contact me today for your free consultation or sign up to get your free e-books. Also, check out my podcast if you want to feel great and look good naked over at Benakedhealthpodcast.com.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski